Fanatic 5 Solutions 应用

Downtime Manager 1.6.0
***UPDATE*** - login with Google option - new andimprovedinvitation system - multiple modifications based on userfeedback -bugfixes and stability improvements Downtime Manager is acompanionapp for the 5th edition of the Greatest Role-playing Gameon Earth!How does it work? 1. Game session ends and the date forthe nextone is set. 2. The DM sets the length of downtime till thenextsession. 3. The DM selects the available activities for theparty.4. Players select and play activities or minigames, getrewards,stay in character. 5. Next gaming session comes! Jump rightintothe game. DM Features: - create party - invite party members-create downtime session - approve downtime activities selectedbyplayers - chat with your players Player Features: - enteryourcharacter (manually) - choose downtime activity - monitordowntimeprogress - get downtime reward - play minigame (trafficjam, dice,very-very basic arena fight) - party chat About us: We’replayingD&D since 1994. We’re ancient. We can still rememberouruniversity years, having one or two gaming sessions everyweek,talking about the party all the time, keeping the dice bag andthecharacter sheet with us – just in case. Now we’re past 40, wecanonly play four, probably five times a year, spending a weekendwiththe next mind-bending adventure of our Evil DM. On the roadmap:-integration with 3rd party character creators -customizabledowntime sessions: which activities are allowed, etc. -evolvedarena: your actual character, multiple monsters,multiplayer, pvp -whatever YOU tell us to do! Join our DiscordChannel!
Downtime Manager 2.0 2.8.7
Bring your D&D character with you and continue to play betweensessions!